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Donnerstag, 04.06.2020 13:24

Exam Registration (a lot different this semester) and out of office

Von: FB 03 - Studienbüro

Dear MIEPP Students,


The time has come; we are finally at the point: a real, long, fun, somewhat interesting newsletter is finally here. I sure you have all been longing for this moment so without much further ado, let’s get straight to it. This week I have for you:


  • Mistake last newsletter
  • Out of office next two weeks
  • Exam Registration Period
  • Exam changes this semester



First of all, I have to make amends. There was a mistake in the last newsletter: exam registration and deregistration for the retake exams June 15-26, 2020 is possible until 48 hours before the exam and not until 24 hours before. I hope this does not cause too much confusion. You will also receive further hygiene guidelines in your student email.



Next, I have some great news in these strange times: I will not be here the next two weeks; I am on vacation (even though vacation this year does not live up to expectations). Therefore, I will not be answering emails and if you have an urgent problem please contact studienbuero-fb03 AT uni-mainz.de. I realize that the news might not be as great for you as they are for me yet is not true greatness always in the eye of the beholder?



Finally, the exam news. Exam registration starts Monday June 8 2020 1 pm. and lasts until June 22 2020, 1 pm. and not a minute later! As always, if you plan to take an exam, please register within the registration period, otherwise you are completely out of luck. As I have said before, I will be gone the next two weeks so I will not be able to send another reminder. Also, if you cannot register for some reason but want to take the exam, write an email within the registration period and I can still register you after the registration period ends.


Now, while the exam registration period is the same as always, there are a few large changes.


  • No mandatory exam registration
  • Possibility to choose between first and second exam date during exam registration period
  • Possibility to deregister from July and September exams until 48 hours before the exam
  • Possibility to register to the exam in September until 7 days before the exam for everyone



The first change is that there will again be no mandatory registration to exams. All exams are voluntary so even if you were sick last exam you will not be automatically registered and it is up to you whether to register for the exam or not.


The even larger change is that you will be able to choose between the exams dates in July and September this registration period. This means that this semester you do not have to fail your first exam or be sick in order to be able to register for the retake. You are free to choose exam date this registration period. Please keep in mind that in the case that you are sick or do not pass your exam in July; you are course free to try again in September. Furthermore, if you chose to go straight for the September exam date and not register for the July exam, you next chance for a retake is summer 2021. Last but not least, this option is only valid for standard exams and not the changed exam forms.


Next, even though the exam registration period is from June 8, 2020 1 pm. and lasts until June 22, 2020, 1 pm. you will be able to deregister from your July and September exams until 48 hours before the exam. This is to make sure that no one is scared of registering to the exams and that in case you have any health concerns you do not feel boxed in.


Finally, as usual the retake exams will have another registration period which ends 7 days before the next exam date. This will be the same and in case you failed the first exam or were sick you are free to register again. However, even if you did not register for the first exam, you are still free to register to the second exam in this timeframe if you so choose. 

I know this was a lot of info but hopefully the bullet points at the beginning give you a good enough overview. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, of course (after the vacation).



In case you are thinking that I lied to you at the start of the newsletter when I said the newsletter was going to be fun, I am truly sorry. I guess it was not that much fun after all. Yet if it motivated you to read it all up to here it was worth it. I hope you are all having a good semester so far, even though the best parts of university life are not possible right now (except, of course, for all of the studying, gotta love that part). Have a nice couple of weeks, stay positive and register to your exams.



Christoph Wirp




Christoph Wirp

Program Manager Master in International Economics and Public Policy


Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Studienbüro des Fachbereichs Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Jakob-Welder-Weg 4

55128 Mainz


Zimmer 01/321

Telefon: +49 6131 / 39 - 23099


E-Mail: MIEPP AT uni-mainz.de


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