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Donnerstag, 15.10.2020 12:29

MIEPP meet ups and German Course

Von: FB 03 - Studienbüro

Dear MIEPP Students,


I hope you will all forgive a very functional and cold newsletter this week (even though this is quite inexcusable with the new semester staring soon etc.). I will try to do better next time.


  • Virtual MIEPP Meeting
  • German Class
  • Job



First of all, as already introduced in last weeks newsletter, there will be virtual MIEPP meet ups in the coming semester. The following is a message from your student representatives regarding the timing and participation in those meetings:


Dear MIEPP Students,

due to the digitalization of our study program as a result of the pandemic, the MIEPP Student Representatives invite you to join regular virtual student meetings via MS Teams.
The official Kick-Off is scheduled for Tuesday, October 27th, 18:00-19:30. 


While these are not supposed to replace personal contacts, they intend to bring students from all MIEPP semesters together during the first weeks of the Wintersemester 2020/21.

Please klick on the following link to join the Microsoft Teams Meeting!


We recommend you to be present as much as we recommend you to be present in lectures. Feel invited to get to know other MIEPP students from all regions and all semesters, for the first time in a virual format. And of course, individual get-togethers are just as encouraged, as long as they are in line with following all Anti-Covid-measures.

The MIEPP Student Representatives are looking forward to meeting you virtually!


Secondly, there will be another German class especially for German in an employment and study setting, the official announcement is attached to this email.


Finally, I also have another job offer attached for you as well.


Again, I apologize for this short, very un-fun, un-personal newsletter. Stay safe everyone and I will be back with more news updates and maybe quirks as soon as possible.



Christoph Wirp




Christoph Wirp

Program Manager Master in International Economics and Public Policy


Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Studienbüro des Fachbereichs Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Jakob-Welder-Weg 4

55128 Mainz


Zimmer 01/321

Telefon: +49 6131 / 39 - 23099


E-Mail: MIEPP AT uni-mainz.de


Sprechzeiten: Dienstag 14-16 Uhr

                  Donnerstag 9-12 Uhr

Öffnungszeiten Info- und Servicebüro: Montag bis Freitag 9-12 Uhr sowie Dienstag und Mittwoch 14-16 Uhr





Link Deustchkurs Studium und Beruf.pdf

Link Ausschreibung IAAEU Sept 2020 Dok.pdf