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Donnerstag, 28.02.2019 12:36

No Office Hours Tuesday

Von: FB 03 - Studienbüro

Dear MIEPP Students,


Helau! For all of you who do not understand what this means simply visit the Mainz city center within the next 4 days and all will be made clear. As all of you are done with your exams for now and most of you are probably already in a carnival mood this newsletter will be very short.


First, I am very sorry to have disappointed you about the dance in last week’s newsletter; I hope exams were fine regardless.


Second, there will be no office hours on Tuesday (March 5) due to reasons that may or may not have been outlined above.


Third, if you want to take a seminar next semester and have not sent me your ranking yet, you have until March 10!


Finally, it has been brought to my attention that Deloitte is looking for student workers, more information if you follow the link below:



That is it from me already, enjoy your semester break, go crazy and enjoy the carnival and hopefully some nicer weather.


Christoph Wirp



Christoph Wirp
Program Manager Master in International Economics and Public Policy

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Studienbüro des Fachbereichs Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Jakob-Welder-Weg 4
55128 Mainz

Zimmer 01/321
Telefon: +49 6131 / 39 - 23099

E-Mail: MIEPP AT uni-mainz.de



Sprechzeiten: Dienstag 14-16 Uhr

                  Donnerstag 9-12 Uhr

Öffnungszeiten Info- und Servicebüro: Montag bis Freitag 9-12 Uhr sowie Dienstag und Mittwoch 14-16 Uhr