vorherige Nachricht nächste Nachricht

Dienstag, 10.01.2023 15:15

Exam registration, course offer SuSe 23, jobs

Von: FB 03 - Studienbüro <studienbuero-fb03 AT uni-mainz.de>

Dear MIEPP students,


I hope you are well, had a few relaxing Christmas holidays and started well into the new year.

In this newsletter you will find a few organizational details about the exam registration phase and the course offerings in the coming semester. There are also a few job offers in the last section.


Start of the exam registration phase

The exam registration phase for the winter term 2022/23 started on Monday and runs until Mon, 23.01.2023, 13:00.

As you know, the Study office cannot accept late registrations. So please make sure to register for your exams on time and follow the instructions sent out by the Study office via e-mail. Should you experience any difficulties, please contact the Study office.


Course offer – summer term 2023

Several professors will be on research sabbatical in the upcoming summer term 2023, which has some implications on the course offerings for the upcoming semester. All offered elective courses are shown in the course catalogue in JOGU-StINe. If a course is not shown there, it will not be offered In this semester. However, even if a course is not offered there will be a retake exam for students who need to make up for a failed exam attempt from previous semesters. E.g. If you took the International Macroeconomics exam in summer term 2022 and failed, you will be able to take the retake exam during the exam phase in the summer term 2023.

You will be able to register for next semester’s courses during the official course registration periods (see https://info.jogustine.en.uni-mainz.de/registration-periods/course-registration-periods/).


Regarding the seminar offer for the coming semester, we are currently in the planning phase. I will inform you about the seminar offer as soon as it is fixed (then you will also receive information on how to register for the seminars).



As it has become almost a tradition to advertise a few jobs in the last section of the newsletter, I have again some vacancies for you in this newsletter. Unfortunately, all of them require very good German skills (if you do not meet this requirement you may want to skip the section below).


The KfW is looking for a working student in the field of Development cooperation - South Eastern Europe and Turkey in Frankfurt. The vacancy can be found here: https://kfw-jobs.de/index.php?ac=jobad&id=7888


Another student job is currently vacant at Coface. They are looking for a student assistant in the field of Economic Research. Please find the vacancy attached.


Finally, I would like to share a student assistant (Hiwi) position at JGU. The chair of Prof. Ruthig (Public Law, European Law, Comparative Law) is currently looking for a student assistant to teach “VWL für Juristen”, a course which is part of the additional qualification “Schlüsselqualifikationszertifikat Wirtschaft” for law students. In this position, you will be able to conceptualize, teach and set exams, which basically means you organize your very own lecture. They are looking for someone who is willing to run the course for a longer period of time. Details can be found in the attached vacancy.

I used to fill this position for one year. So if you are interested in my experience, please feel free to contact me.



Daniela Maier

Daniela Maier
Program Manager Master in International Economics and Public Policy

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Studienbüro des Fachbereichs Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Jakob-Welder-Weg 4
55128 Mainz

Room: 01/321
Phone: +49 (0)
6131 / 39 - 28709
Fax: +49 (0)6131 / 39 - 25531

miepp AT uni-mainz.de

   Web: www.master.economics.uni-mainz.de


Office hours: Monday 14:00-16:00 by phone & Thursday 10:00-12:00 in presence

Opening hours Info- und Servicebüro: Monday to Friday 9:00-12:00, as well as Tuesday & Wednesday 14:00-16:00




Link 20230110_Studentische+Aushilfe+Economic+Research.pdf

Link Stellenausschreibung VWL f Juristen.pdf