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Donnerstag, 05.05.2022 12:40

Extended course registration period and job offers

Von: FB 03 - Studienbüro

Dear MIEPP students,


I hope you have already settled in well to the new semester and are enjoying the campus life after a long time of digital lectures.

Today, I would like to briefly share some news on two topics with you.


Extended course registration period

We prolonged the course registration period for the elective modules in the MIEPP. You are now able to register and deregister from elective modules, and the corresponding lectures & tutorials, until 04.07.22, 13:00. Please note that there are two exceptions: For the module “Analysis of Experimental and Survey Data” late registration can only be done by the Study Office – if you want to register please drop me an e-mail – and registrations / deregistrations  are possible until 24.06.22. For the module “Development Economics” registrations can be done until 15.05.22 and deregistration is possible until 01.07.22.


Job offers

Further, I want to share two job offers with you.


A former student has contacted Prof. Harms to inform him about a vacancy at the insurance company R+V that may be of interest for MIEPP graduates: “Neben einem Gruß an Sie nach längerer Zeit, erlaube ich mir, Sie auch auf eine Stellenausschreibung in dem Team aufmerksam zu machen, in dem auch ich tätig bin - vielleicht ist dies von Interesse für die aktuellen Absolventen. Neben mir arbeitet noch eine weitere MIEPP-Absolventin in meiner Abteilung, sodass ich annehmen würde, dass das Programm eine sehr gute Qualifikation für die Stelle bietet. Voraussetzung für diese Ausschreibung wären fließendes Französisch und Englisch (die genaue Ausschreibung finden Sie hier https://www.ruv.de/karriere/jobsuche/jobOffer21527).“


Another MIEPP Alumni, Tiago Pereira, asked me to distribute a job offer for an internship at Mercedes Benz.

The job offer can be found here: Praktikum im Bereich digitale Transformation im Controlling ab September 2022| Daimler > Career > Job Search > Job Postings (mercedes-benz.com)

Should you have any questions, you are welcome to get in touch with Tiago: tiago_miguel.monteiro_pereira AT mercedes-benz.com



Daniela Maier

Daniela Maier
Program Manager Master in International Economics and Public Policy

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Studienbüro des Fachbereichs Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Jakob-Welder-Weg 4
55128 Mainz

Room: 01/321
Phone: +49 (0)
6131 / 39 - 28709
Fax: +49 (0)6131 / 39 - 25531

miepp AT uni-mainz.de

   Web: www.master.economics.uni-mainz.de


Office hours: Tuesday 14:00-16:00 & Thursday 10:00-12:00

Opening hours Info- und Servicebüro: Monday to Friday 9:00-12:00, as well as Tuesday & Wednesday 14:00-16:00