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Dienstag, 15.01.2019 10:50

Exam Registration and Illness during the Exam

Von: FB 03 - Studienbüro

Dear MIEPP Stundents,


This week’s newsletter is basically a follow-up newsletter from last week. The topics are also largely similar albeit shorter:


-          exam registration and illness

-          Destatis visit

-          Seminar count


First of all: Exam registration.

If you have not yet registered for your exams please do so. Registration will end on January 28, 1 pm. and not a minute later!

Next, attached to this email are some reminders should you be sick during the exams. In this case, please follow the guideline regarding illness.


If you are interested in visiting the Statistisches Bundesamt (as announced in last week’s newsletter), here is some follow up information for you:

The group will meet at the Central Station in Mainz at 9:00 am, the train leaves at 9:13. The maximum number of people that can come is 50. If you are interested, you will have to RSVP until Friday (January 18) at Miepp-studentreps AT uni-mainz.de and you will have to give your name and telephone number.


Finally, while I have received quite a few responses about people wanting to take a seminar next semester, I think there are still some people out there who yet have to reply. If you are planning on taking a seminar next semester, please write me an email indicating that you want to take a seminar until Monday, January 21.


To keep with the spirit of this short newsletter: have a great week!



Christoph Wirp



Christoph Wirp
Program Manager Master in International Economics and Public Policy

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Studienbüro des Fachbereichs Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Jakob-Welder-Weg 4
55128 Mainz

Zimmer 01/321
Telefon: +49 6131 / 39 - 23099

E-Mail: MIEPP AT uni-mainz.de



Sprechzeiten: Dienstag 14-16 Uhr

                  Donnerstag 9-12 Uhr

Öffnungszeiten Info- und Servicebüro: Montag bis Freitag 9-12 Uhr sowie Dienstag und Mittwoch 14-16 Uhr





Link Form_Withdrawal in the case of illness.pdf

Link Guidelines regarding illness during the examination period_2016.pdf