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Montag, 01.02.2021 15:04

Seminar count, scholarship and more

Von: FB 03 - Studienbüro

Dear MIEPP Students,


Another semester is drawing to a close and what better time to look ahead towards the next semester. While I cannot say much about the limitations Covid-19 will bring, other than that next semester will also be largely online, I want to draw your attention to the seminars. Overall, we have:


  • Seminar Count
  • Scholarship
  • Van Ewijk master thesis project


First of all, we are currently busy planning the seminar supply for the next semester. In order to plan the number of offered seminars more effectively, it is always beneficial to know the number of students planning to take a seminar. Therefore, please write me an email with your name and matriculation number if you are planning to take a seminar next semester. This is not a registration for a seminar, it simply is to help us plan the number of seminars offered in the coming semester. Writing an email is beneficial for you as well as there will be more seminars offered the more students indicate that they want to take a seminar.

Please sent this email to me until February 12, so that I can finalize the planning process with the professors.


Next, we have the Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship. All relevant information is attached to the email. Before you now think that scholarships rarely give a chance due to too many people always applying, let me tell you that for this scholarship they are in need of more applicants and in the past the scholarship has been awarded to many MIEPP students. Thus, your chances are quite promising.


Finally, the chair of Prof. van Ewijk is looking for someone to participate in a research project as part of their master thesis. More details are attached to the email.


As the exams are starting soon, I hope that you are all as prepared as you wish and that you have an easy time with your examinations. I will get back to you with the seminars for the next semester as soon as possible.



Christoph Wirp




Christoph Wirp

Program Manager Master in International Economics and Public Policy


Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Studienbüro des Fachbereichs Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Jakob-Welder-Weg 4

55128 Mainz


Zimmer 01/321

Telefon: +49 6131 / 39 - 23099


E-Mail: MIEPP AT uni-mainz.de


Sprechzeiten: Dienstag 14-16 Uhr

                  Donnerstag 9-12 Uhr

Öffnungszeiten Info- und Servicebüro: Montag bis Freitag 9-12 Uhr sowie Dienstag und Mittwoch 14-16 Uhr





Link JMKVerificationCurrentEnrollmentForm.pdf

Link JMK Application 2021 (2).pdf

Link JMKPoster 2021 (2).pdf

Link Master thesis_English.pdf